8 Ways to Use a Rotting Pumpkin

Whether you carve them into jack-o-lanterns or just set them on your stoop to embrace that autumn spirit, a pumpkin is a terrible thing to waste. That pretty decor element is also a powerhouse of nutrients that you should use up before it's too late.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:14-08:00October 14th, 2019|Household, Holidays, Food & Cooking, Home Remedies|

Refreshing (and Healthy!) Summer Drinks for Your Next Barbecue

Summer barbecues call for sunny weather, freshly grilled tidbits, and icy cold beverages. If you're leading a healthy, clean lifestyle, beer and soda might not be your drinks of choice. Your barbecue refreshments don't have to be dull, however! Below you'll find our favorite recipes for refreshing summer drinks that aren't loaded with empty calories, refined sugar, or toxins.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:18-08:00June 28th, 2019|Food & Cooking|

Trying to Lose Weight? Stop Eating These 5 Foods

Maintaining a healthy weight goes far beyond beauty. Yes, you may be trying to trim down for summer, but there are many more reasons to lose excess weight. If you find it exceedingly difficult to shed pounds despite adequate exercise, your diet is almost certainly to blame. Read on to find out why weight loss can be conducive to a healthy lifestyle, as well as which foods you may have to remove from your diet if you want to succeed.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:19-08:00May 27th, 2019|Food & Cooking, Nontoxic, Nutrition|

Juicing for a Purpose

Trends tend to come and go, but the juicing craze may be here to stay. Although there are no proven health benefits of fruit and vegetable juice over the whole foods themselves, the modern busy lifestyle hardly gives us time to take in the daily recommended nine servings per day. Juicing is an excellent way to supplement your daily intake of vitamins and minerals, especially if you aren't in the habit of eating nutrient-rich foods like chard, kale, berries, citrus, and beets on a daily basis. Even better, by tailoring your juice recipes and ingredients, you can use juicing to serve specific purposes and support your lifestyle.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:32-08:00July 18th, 2018|Food & Cooking, Nutrition, Natural Remedies|

Night Vision Deteriorating? This May Be the Reason Why

How's your night vision these days? Seeing in the dark will be one of the first things to go. Next you may notice a painful sensitivity to bright lights and an unusual fatigue after looking at a computer screen for several hours. All of these symptoms are markers of one simple deficiency.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:37-08:00March 20th, 2018|General, Health Care, Food & Cooking, Nutrition|

7 Delish Herbal Teas That Can Boost Your Health

A steaming cup of tea is an image that evokes feelings of comfort and well-being in almost any culture. Europe favors traditional black teas, India has chai, and in South America, they love yerba mate. Besides its aromatic and comforting qualities, however, what can herbal teas do for your health?

By |2024-02-03T07:23:37-08:00March 14th, 2018|Herbs, Natural Remedies, Food & Cooking|

Ten Natural Ways to Soothe Dry Winter Skin

Skin problems abound during winter. Dry, cold air, blistering winds, and a constant barrage of indoor heaters are bound to dry out the skin and intensify conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Don't despair just yet, however. There are some simple ways to protect the skin from winter ravages and rejuvenate it in time for spring.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:39-08:00February 13th, 2018|Skin Care, Skin Care Ingredients, Natural Remedies, Food & Cooking|

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