Refreshing (and Healthy!) Summer Drinks for Your Next Barbecue

Summer barbecues call for sunny weather, freshly grilled tidbits, and icy cold beverages. If you're leading a healthy, clean lifestyle, beer and soda might not be your drinks of choice. Your barbecue refreshments don't have to be dull, however! Below you'll find our favorite recipes for refreshing summer drinks that aren't loaded with empty calories, refined sugar, or toxins.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:18-08:00June 28th, 2019|Food & Cooking|

Trying to Lose Weight? Stop Eating These 5 Foods

Maintaining a healthy weight goes far beyond beauty. Yes, you may be trying to trim down for summer, but there are many more reasons to lose excess weight. If you find it exceedingly difficult to shed pounds despite adequate exercise, your diet is almost certainly to blame. Read on to find out why weight loss can be conducive to a healthy lifestyle, as well as which foods you may have to remove from your diet if you want to succeed.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:19-08:00May 27th, 2019|Food & Cooking, Nontoxic, Nutrition|

Pampering During Pregnancy: Why and How to Do It Right

Some women love being pregnant. They enjoy the happy glow that surrounds them as their belly swells with life, as well as the anticipation as preparations are made for baby. For many, however, the journey to motherhood can be long, exhausting, and downright painful. Here's a few reasons to pamper your body and mind during the long months of pregnancy.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:20-08:00May 18th, 2019|Family, Health Care|

How to Start Your Own Medicinal Garden

Do you have dirt and sun in your backyard? That's all you need to start a medicinal garden that can supply herbal remedies for years to come. Read on for instructions on how to plant powerful medicinal plants that can serve as natural treatments for anything from a common cold to insomnia!

By |2024-02-03T07:23:20-08:00May 2nd, 2019|Herbs, Gardening|

11 Surprising Uses for Vinegar

There are a few secret weapons in the household arsenal that seem to be the solution to every problem. Vinegar is one of those weapons. You've probably heard of its powerful cleaning ability when it comes to fabric stains, but this pantry staple has hundreds of potential uses throughout the house and garden. Below see some surprising examples.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:21-08:00April 16th, 2019|Natural Remedies, Nontoxic, Household|

DIY: Make Your Own All-Natural Face Masks

In the pursuit of a non-toxic lifestyle, every store-bought product suddenly comes under scrutiny. Even some drugstore brands that claim to be "natural" fall short of the non-toxic mark. If you'd like to keep your beauty routine sure, simple, and inexpensive, a DIY face mask is a great way to treat your face to some all-natural nourishment. Scroll down to see some of our favorite face mask recipes for different skin types.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:22-08:00March 25th, 2019|General, Skin Care|

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