Mommies Rejoice! New All-Natural and Organic Skincare for You and Baby

Searching for all-natural and organic skincare items in your local grocery or department store is often a wild goose chase with little results. Waste no more time on fruitless searches and try out this brand new line of baby and mother skincare products from Ultra Pure Botanicals, each of which contains organic essential oils and patented hydro-nano-technology.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:29-08:00September 7th, 2018|Double Helix Water, Natural Remedies, Skin Care|

Can The Power of Self Healing be Harnessed in a Skin Cream?

The human body - particularly the skin - is in a constant state of regeneration and self healing. The skin sheds its oldest layers and recreates new ones in order to maintain its strength and protection, but over time, the process can break down and malfunction. This is one reason aging occurs. But what if you could provide the skin with the tools it needs to perform this self-healing process more efficiently?

By |2024-02-03T07:23:59-08:00June 30th, 2016|Skin Care, Double Helix Water|

Can You Guess Which Secret Ingredient the Global Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Uses for Holistic Healing Practices?

The elite team of physicians, researchers, and caregivers at the Global Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (GARM) recently added a secret weapon to their autologous stem/stromal cell and biocellular treatment protocols. If you guessed Double Helix Water, you win! GARM's global experts have tested and acknowledged the transformative therapeutic aspects of stable water clusters.

By |2024-02-03T07:24:10-08:00June 26th, 2015|Double Helix Water, Health Care|

Aging Backwards: A Double Helix Water Case Study

As we grow older, it becomes increasingly more difficult to cultivate a healthy mind and body. Energy levels drop, exercise feels more strenuous, and life’s daily stressors become ever heavier on our minds. If this sounds like you, it may be time to help yourself by looking into alternative health solutions, like Double Helix Water.

By |2024-02-03T07:24:45-08:00May 9th, 2013|Double Helix Water|

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