About Megan

Megan helps others understand how they can use green technologies and tecniques to live cleaner and healthier lives, utilize natural resources, and adopt environmentally friendly living standards.

LED Christmas Lights for a Greener Holiday

One way of making your Christmas season greener is by using LED Christmas lights instead of conventional Christmas lights. They are easy to find as most stores sell LED Christmas lights if they sell Christmas lights at all. Yup, it’s beginning to look like a green Christmas for everyone.

By |2021-09-12T11:11:02-07:00December 9th, 2009|Green Gadgets|

Growing Potted Plants

Growing plants indoors can be an enjoyable hobby, but it will require some time and commitment, and you will need to know the proper soil, lighting and temperature for the plant you wish to grow. There are also several various ways of growing pot plants.

By |2014-01-21T15:59:09-08:00December 9th, 2009|Resources and Recycling|

Seven Fall and Winter Organic Skin Care Tips

Fall and winter are the harshest times of the year for our skin. During these seasons, the skin needs extra care to keep it moisturized. To help you keep your skin healthy and radiant through the holiday season, here are a few fall and winter organic skin care tips, to help you welcome the New Year feeling and looking good.

By |2013-12-26T16:14:55-08:00December 8th, 2009|Green|

White Roofs?

You may have heard something about "white roofs" in the news, but you may not know how they can help our planet, or a maintenance budget. Most all of the commercial buildings in the world use black roofs. Because they are black, they soak up the sun's energy like a sponge.

By |2013-11-02T22:47:36-07:00December 8th, 2009|Green Building|

Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas

Green gadgets can serve as creative and imaginative gifts - if inconventional ones. How about foldable portable cardboard speakers, or a hurricane lamp that runs on hand-crank power? If you're looking for something innovative and environmentally friendly for this Christmas, these videos should serve to give you at least a few good ideas.

By |2017-03-10T05:10:41-08:00December 4th, 2009|Green Gadgets|

Green Construction with Wind and Solar Energy

"Green Building" can mean more than just building environmentally-friendly or energy-efficient structures - clean energy and green techniques can also be used during the construction process itself. This videos show how 150 construction workers in Binghamton, New York are on the job without a single conventional generator in use.

By |2014-11-10T14:41:55-08:00December 4th, 2009|Green Building|

Rainwater Harvesting Systems

In a world where supplies of fresh and clean water are becoming increasingly scarce, now is a great time to learn more about rainwater harvesting. From simple DIY systems using the crudest of make-shift tools, to the installation and use of professionally produced and scientifically designed equipment, rainwater harvesting systems can really be put together just about anywhere.

By |2013-11-02T22:47:36-07:00December 4th, 2009|Resources and Recycling|

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