CFL Bulbs – Not Such a Bright Idea
Compact fluorescent light bulbs contain 5 milligrams of mercury in each bulb; that may not sound like a lot. But how many of those do you have in your home? And how many homes are in America? It adds up!
Compact fluorescent light bulbs contain 5 milligrams of mercury in each bulb; that may not sound like a lot. But how many of those do you have in your home? And how many homes are in America? It adds up!
Roof gardens are built for both their aesthetic and their functional values. A roof garden can provide temperature control, architectural enhancement, hydrological benefits, and of course food. It can also serve as a habitat for wildlife.
You may have heard something about "white roofs" in the news, but you may not know how they can help our planet, or a maintenance budget. Most all of the commercial buildings in the world use black roofs. Because they are black, they soak up the sun's energy like a sponge.
"Green Building" can mean more than just building environmentally-friendly or energy-efficient structures - clean energy and green techniques can also be used during the construction process itself. This videos show how 150 construction workers in Binghamton, New York are on the job without a single conventional generator in use.
Vegetation blankets can be used to create green roofs, but they aren’t limited to just that. A vegetation blanket consists of a layer of fiber covered in a substrate on which plant life can live; with various plant species growing on it.
Detroit – also referred to as “the city in ruins,” is shrinking. Vast areas of land have remained unused and unwanted, and no one seems to be too interested in taking over – besides nature, that is.
This is a great video from a single mom who built her own straw bale home for $50,000 while working still full time and livin on the land. She gives some great advice here for anyone who is considering building their own straw bale home, from labor, to coding, to construction.
Establishing and utilizing a home greenhouse is an excellent way to save money on groceries, follow a healthier and more nutritious diet, conserve on energy, and help the environment at the same time. But greenhouses don’t grow on trees – they have to be built. Not all of us have a professional builder in the family, or the budget to hire a specialist.