Dr. Deva Khalsa – Double Helix Water
Dr. Deva Khalsa talks about Double Helix Water in this video..
Dr. Deva Khalsa talks about Double Helix Water in this video..
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., one of the world's leading experts in pain management, talks about Double Helix Water in this video on Living Clean.
Dr. Vandeweghe talks about his background in sports and medicine, his discovery of Double Helix Water, the results for him personally, and his theory as to why it works.
In all the discussions about energy these days, we often [...]
What Christmas is to children, Earth Day is to the environment. Marking its 40th year is a most fevered cry for taking action, in particular, by the U.S. Solar Industry itself.
Every year, parents are obligated to buy their kids (whether they like it or not) school supplies, and you can bet that pencils are on the list. Moms and dads might be surprised to find out that those little orange sticks are made out of the 4 billion trees cut down worldwide for paper industries, and assembled with toxic chemicals in factories that pollute the air (most erasers are made from latex).
A great new way to clean your home is through these handmade recipes, and there is no chemistry set needed! Just mix a few simple ingredients together and youve got your very own green-clean team.
New York City based Industrial designer Manuel Saez has just won two major design awards with a little guy that can solve the problem of many city dwellers, while helping them to make a better world.