Why Calorie Counting is Bad for Your Health
Calorie counting is probably the worst possible system that exists for maintaining weight or good health. Why?
Calorie counting is probably the worst possible system that exists for maintaining weight or good health. Why?
When it comes to maintaining our health and well-being, many [...]
The real heros of the world are not always famous. They are not big strong organizations or governments, but individual people with hearts and humanity who take initiative, put their shoulders to the wheel, and lend a helping hand to those in need – regardless of their ethnicities, beliefs, or orientations.
In this video of the International Water and Health Conference at Cal Tech in 2013, health practitioners with different specialties comment on Double Helix Water with stable water clusters, regarding oxygen use, cleansing, blood sugar levels, respiratory improvement, and so forth.
The mother of autistic twins tells her story of how Double Helix Water with stable water clusters and Double Helix Cream turned around her teenaged boys: in behavior, ability to study, cognitive thinking, speech, happiness, and much more.
One woman's story of how, by eliminating all other supplements, she determined that it was Double Helix Water that was effective for her arthritis.
In this video, an athlete with joint pain talks about her physical improvements after taking Double Helix Water with stable water clusters, and also using Double Helix Cream.
This video shows what happens to live blood cells, as seen under the microscope, before and after the patient drinks Double Helix Water with stable water clusters.