About Megan

Megan helps others understand how they can use green technologies and tecniques to live cleaner and healthier lives, utilize natural resources, and adopt environmentally friendly living standards.

Are some Genetic Disorders Disguised Nutritional Deficiencies?

Genetic disorder or malfunction has become the “go to” explanation for the rise of disease. It is all too common in these days of rising heart, cardiovascular, and diabetic conditions, to blame it all on genes. And while this may be a factor in some cases, it is likely not the root cause. Genetics are slow to change; it doesn’t happen over a few generations.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:38-08:00March 6th, 2018|Nutrition|

How is Health Lost and Regained?

A lack of general knowledge of the subjects of health and the human body leads to misconceptions, and opens the door to accepting false information.  For instance, many people believe that disease and illness are brought about by some mysterious unknown (or unavoidable) cause, and that it is just a matter of “luck” - or, bad luck.  Luck may be a factor, but it certainly isn’t the overriding factor.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:47-08:00August 16th, 2017|Nutrition, Health Care|

The Food Industry and its Conflicts of Interest

Every food giant advertises its “delicious meals” and “high-quality food items” so that you, the consumer, will choose to buy its brand. And, true to their word, some of their food tastes pretty good. But with the globalization and centralization of food, new problems arise.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:47-08:00August 15th, 2017|Food & Cooking, Nutrition|

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