DIY: Make Your Own All-Natural Face Masks

In the pursuit of a non-toxic lifestyle, every store-bought product suddenly comes under scrutiny. Even some drugstore brands that claim to be "natural" fall short of the non-toxic mark. If you'd like to keep your beauty routine sure, simple, and inexpensive, a DIY face mask is a great way to treat your face to some all-natural nourishment. Scroll down to see some of our favorite face mask recipes for different skin types.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:22-08:00March 25th, 2019|General, Skin Care|

Crafting A Wooden Wind Turbine

Taking you back to high school shop class, here's how to make your own wind turbine blades out of wood. The wood base easily picked up at any home building store (or heck, from fallen trees in the nearby forest), wood turbines are a more affordable option for a do-it-yourselfer as you can measure and handle the wood before you purchase and begin cutting.

By |2018-04-16T15:44:03-07:00June 10th, 2010|Alternative Energy|

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