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    Double Helix Water Double Helix Water - 3 Bottles

    Double Helix Water® 3 Bottles

    Original price was: $188.85.Current price is: $179.25.
    Double Helix Water® is a unique, ultra pure water form containing concentrated stable water clusters formed at a microscopic level. It is a scientific discovery light years ahead of it’s time.  Recover faster, feel more energetic, feel younger, manage pain, feel better, think clearer, experience a new level of life, and live to your full potential! Studies show taking just a few drops a day can boost immune function, improve cellular interaction, improve metabolic function, reduce recovery time, increase energy and give one an improved overall feeling of wellness and good health.  Research indicates that it operates on a cellular level, providing the body’s cells with a cellular “tune up,”  allowing for improved cleaning of waste matter and permitting cellular functions to run more cleanly and efficient. It is believed that this is what helps restore cellular metabolic pathways to their optimum, natural levels. To subscribe to receive this item at a discounted rate, please sign up at our Double Helix Water Subscription page
  • Mocha Jahva Chai

    A healthy alternative to coffee for a daily energy booster, Mocha Jahva Chai is an instant blend of powerful anti-stress herbs and spices for general health and rejuvenation.*
  • - 100% dark sweet cherry concentrate - The dark red color is from potent antioxidants - Manufactured under Dr. Hulda Clark's strict protocols - Use in drinks instead of sugar or other sweeteners
  • Sale!

    Double Helix Water: Has the 200-year-old mystery of homeopathy been solved?

    Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    In an easy-to-read summary, David Gann and his research partner present their groundbreaking research into a previously-undiscovered molecular phase of water, which they have named Double Helix Water. With their Genesis Phase of water, they claim to have uncovered the underlying mechanism of how water forms a solid particle at room temperature; thereby, they explain many of the mysteries of alternative health practices. Research into the atomic structure of the water molecule is presented in a simplified and understandable manner, complete with photos. The reader is effortlessly led through miles of physical and chemical jungles. Tackling head-on the 50-year conflict between allopathic and homeopathic medicine, Gann and Lo shed light on both sides. Laboratory experiments are explained in layman''s terms, thereby allowing a person with no physics background to understand the mechanism underlying homeopathy. Their research into the water molecule is a fascinating read that explains the mysteries of homeopathy and introduces a needed paradigm shift ushering in a new age of an inexpensive, safe, and truly workable healthcare system.
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