Dr Clark Candida Cleanse Kit


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The Dr. Clark Candida Cleanse Kit is composed of of herbs and natural compounds that work synergistically to eliminate the overgrowth of Candida yeast. For best results, do this cleanse in conjunction with a diet designed to avoid foods that seem to increase Candida growth. When done daily as directed, this cleanse will take slightly more than one month.*

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SKU: RL-RTRG-0C30 Category:


The Dr. Clark Candida Cleanse Kit is composed of of herbs and natural compounds that work synergistically to eliminate the overgrowth of Candida yeast. For best results, do this cleanse in conjunction with a diet designed to avoid foods that seem to increase Candida growth. When done daily as directed, this cleanse will take slightly more than one month.*

What is Candida?

Candida albicans is a type of yeast that inhabits the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Candida lives harmoniously with other intestinal flora in normal conditions. When the environment in the digestive tract changes, however, an overgrowth of Candida upsets the natural balance of microorganisms, a condition called Candidiasis.*

We are regularly exposed to spores of Candida albicans, which are carried in the air to land on skin or enter the body through the mouth and nose. When the spores reproduce, a healthy immune system can keep excess growth in check. A compromised immune system, however, can leave your body susceptible to Candida overgrowth, as can these lifestyle choices and habits:*

  • Prolonged use of antibiotics
  • Taking birth control pills
  • Use of cortisone drugs
  • Over consumption of sugar and carbohydrates, especially highly processed ones

Antibiotics upset the natural balance of microorganisms in the gut by killing the friendly bacteria that normally prevent Candida overgrowth. If there is little or no bacteria to provide competition, Candida can freely reproduce in the ideal environment provided by your gut – moist and with plenty of available food in the form of fermenting sugars.*

Signs of Excess Candida

Symptoms indicating an overgrowth of Candida albicans include white patches in the mouth and on the tongue (oral thrush) or on the skin as a rash. Babies are particularly susceptible to thrush and diaper rash if their immune systems are not strong. Anyone, however, with a weakened immune system is more likely to have an overgrowth – for example, the elderly and the ill. Since Candida itself can weaken the immune system, this can result in the vicious cycle of a weaker and weaker immune system.*

Candida organisms are able to enter the blood stream through holes in intestinal walls, at which point they are transported to various areas and organs throughout the body, to cause or contribute to:*

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Brain fog
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Sinus and respiratory infections
  • Sugar and carbohydrate cravings
  • Weakened immune system

Measures to Combat Candida

It’s important to heal the immune system so it can better defend the body against harmful microorganisms, such as an uncontrolled Candida population increase. Equally important is improving digestion to avoid the fermentation of undigested food particles, which would feed the Candida. To reduce the food sources that support Candida growth, avoid sugars, alcohol, carbohydrates, dairy products, processed meats, and fruits and vegetables that are rated high on the glycemic index.*

Product Benefit

Taking a blend of herbs with anitfungal properties, such as those in the Dr. Clark Candida Cleanse Kit, helps to kill the yeast cells, balance the microorganisms in the digestive tract, and nurture the immune system.*

  • Oregano oil has high concentrations of two phenols effective against fungal infections: carvacrol and thymol. A chemical reaction with water in the blood stream is thought to dehydrate and kill Candida yeast cells.
  • Menthol, found in peppermint oil, also acts as an antifungal.
  • Raz-Caps are composed of a blend of antimicrobial and immune-boosting herbs.
  • Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with their antifungal properties. Omega-3’s also help to combat feelings of depression, which might naturally occur as a result of an illness such as Candidiasis.
  • Garlic is a potent antibacterial and antifungal herb and also a well-known immune booster. The disulfide ajoene in garlic is a powerful compound against Candida.
  • Cayenne is high in Vitamin A, which supports the mucous membranes lining the intestinal and urinary tracts and forming the first line of defense against pathogens. Cayenne also aids circulation and digestion, helping to clear the bowels of Candida and other toxins.
  • Thyme assists the immune system and fights infections in the digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts, often inhabited by Candida albicans.
  • Ginger root is widely used as a digestive aid, soothing the intestinal inflammation that may accompany a Candida infection.
  • In addition to being a potent antifungal, Pau d’arco is also an anti-inflammatory.
  • Olive leaf, another antifungal herb, also helps to stabilize blood sugar. This is needed because elevated blood glucose levels fuel Candida overgrowth, and Candida in turn, creates cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, which can elevate blood sugar levels! (Another vicious cycle.)
  • Glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in the body, performs a similar blood sugar stabilizing function, and also helps to regenerate digestive tract tissue.
  • Chromium (as chromium picolinate) encourages the pancreas to produce insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar from spiking and falling too drastically.
  • Papain, an enzyme derived from the papaya fruit, is a powerful part of the Candida Cleanse.  Inhibits fermentation of undigested food, by helping to make sure proteins are digested. Undigested food that ferments seems to be the favorite food of Candida albicans! In addition, undigested protein in the gut feeds bacteria and this increases ammonia levels, creating a better environment for Candida and other pathogens and a worse environment for beneficial bacteria. Furthermore, when Candida cell membranes are weakened, their protein-rich interiors are vulnerable to the protein-digesting powers of papain.

Additional information

Weight26.5 oz
Suggested Use

Follow the directions included with the kit. Following a candida diet and doing the Dr. Clark Para Cleanse is also very beneficial. To get the greatest possible benefits from our cleanses, please consider the following carefully: Stay on the Para Cleanse Weekly Maintenance Program for a minimum of 4 weeks to a year. The benefits are cumulative as the Maintenance Program continues to minimize the effect microorganisms have due to continuous re-exposure. Dr. Clark believed that in order to gain 100% of the benefit of the cleanse, it was best to stay on the Maintenance dose indefinitely. This helps free up your body’s energy for issues that need attention rather than relentlessly fighting microorganisms.* The Dr. Clark Digestive Aid & Colon Cleanse works synergistically with the Para Cleanse. For even better results take those two programs over the same time period. You will gain on two fronts at the same time; while the Para Cleanse will balance foreign organisms systemically throughout your body the Digestive Aid & Colon Cleanse will optimize your digestion in both your stomach and intestines.* The Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse and Flush further helps digestion by enhancing the liver’s bile production that in turn helps you digest fat. For best results take the Dr. Clark Quick Liver Cleanse daily. Finally don’t let your kidneys go it alone! Remember that your healthy kidneys can benefit from the Dr. Clark Kidney Cleanse and regular daily dosing of Dr. Clark Quick Kidney Cleanse.


1 Oregano Oil 1 Peppermint Oil 1 Raz-Caps 3 Ginger Root 1 Pau d'arco 1 Olive Leaf 1 Glutamine 1 Chromium 3 Papain Empty Veggie Capsules. Size: 00, 1 cup. (over 100)

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