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The illness that Hulda Regehr Clark first researched was cancer, and her first breakthrough was the discovery that the unchecked growth of cancer cells was somehow increased by a lowly parasite – specifically the human intestinal fluke (Fasciolopis buskii).

Dr. Hulda Clark with Syncrometer
In further studies, she found this particular fluke to be present in cases of HIV infection, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s disease, Kaposi’s, and endometriosis. Continuing her research, she discovered more about the role of various parasites. She discovered that parasites and environmental toxins were major factors in many diseases, much more so than the parasites by themselves.

What are Parasites?

Technically, any organism that needs a host to survive and, in doing so, causes it harm can be called a parasite. In mild cases, the only harm that is done is a bit of inconvenience. Think of the flies that annoy horses; they are merely trying to benefit from the moisture around the horses’ eyes. On the other hand, many serious and even fatal diseases are directly caused by parasites: Bubonic Plague, malaria, African sleeping sickness, and dysentery, to name a few.

Larger Parasites

All pathogens, from tiny viruses to worms easily visible to the naked eye, may be called parasites. Often, however, the word “parasite” is used to refer specifically to one of the larger organisms, such as an amoeba, fluke, or worm. Some common examples are the tapeworm, common roundworm, dog heartworm, human liver fluke, pinworm, and hookworm.


It is well-known that bacteria contribute to illness in the human body, and much of medical research has concentrated on finding ways to combat them. While some bacteria are helpful and even vital (such as the probiotic bacteria that live in the human gut), many varieties of these tiny bits of life are parasites, right along with the larger tape worms and hookworms. Since their discovery by medical science, antibiotics have been helpful in combating bacteria, but now many strains of bacteria are resistant to more and more varieties of antibiotics. Bacteria are found living parasitically within the bodies of larger parasites and are released upon their deaths. Thus, a person could kill parasitic worms, only to fall victim to a bacterial infection.


Although there has been uncertainty as to whether viruses are even life forms, there is no doubt that they are natural enemies of larger species, including man and even including bacteria and parasites visible to the eye. Viruses living parasitically within bacteria or larger parasites may be released into the bloodstream when the host dies.

The Parasite Programs

Hulda Clark discovered methods to kill all the types of parasites that populate the human body, using one or both of two methods, which are described fully in her books.

Herbal Medicine

Traditionally, parasites living both in human and in animal bodies have been killed and eliminated through the use of herbs. The three main herbs used in Hulda R. Clark’s parasite program are black walnut (green only), wormwood, and cloves (fresh only). The parasite program is described fully in Cure for All Cancers and Cure for All Diseases, as well as others of her books.

Electronic Frequency Generation

In 1988, Dr. Clark discovered a new way to scan body organs, based on radio electronics. She discovered that each living thing (even if it has already died) has a unique range of radio-type frequencies it broadcasts, and these can be detected.

Continuing her experiments, she created a frequency generator to kill the parasites, while leaving the human or animal host body unaffected. She called her device a Syncrometer. The details of her research and instructions to build a frequency generator are included in Cure for All Diseases (among others of her books).

The Next Step: Detox

While parasites have always been with us, they have never had as much power to harm as they do in this industrial and chemical society. In addition to toxins in the personal products we put on our hair and skin and in our food, the toxins we contact in the environment make their way into our bodies and exacerbate the ill effects of parasites. In many cases, these toxins overwhelm the normal detoxification systems of the body, such as the liver. Not being eliminated through the waste channels, they accumulate in bodily tissues.

Dr. Clark used the frequency generator to detect the presence of specific solvents and toxins. She found that, once these were identified and removed from a person’s environment and the person had completed some basic body cleanses, his or her body would quickly rid itself of the toxins previously accumulated.

Why? Because bodies have built-in defenses, but these can be overwhelmed, just as a country’s defenses can be overwhelmed by a large military force. Can your white blood cells, thymus gland, and lymph system fight off an influenza virus as well as the weed killer you just inhaled, at the same time as continuing to battle a chronic herpes virus and the toxic substances that have been building up in your fat cells for years? It’s a matter of degree; the less toxins in your environment and your body, the more effectively your immune system can work. Certain solvents were also found by Dr. Clark to be present in cases where parasite stages were living in, and affecting, organs not part of their normal life cycle. It appeared that parasites plus toxic substances formed a lethal combination.

Learn More

Products Based on Hulda Clark’s Research

Hulda Clark Knowledge Base

How Dr. Hulda Clark’s First Book Came to be Written


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