Crafting A Wooden Wind Turbine

Taking you back to high school shop class, here's how to make your own wind turbine blades out of wood. The wood base easily picked up at any home building store (or heck, from fallen trees in the nearby forest), wood turbines are a more affordable option for a do-it-yourselfer as you can measure and handle the wood before you purchase and begin cutting.

By |2018-04-16T15:44:03-07:00June 10th, 2010|Alternative Energy|

DIY Solar Powered Gate Openers

Most home gates are relatively far from the main house, and are usually powered via a long wire. It’s a good thing there is a way to get rid of the unsightly wire. You can use a small solar installation to power your gate opener.

By |2013-03-07T20:54:54-08:00August 25th, 2009|Alternative Energy|

DIY Solar Heating Parabolic Trough

A parabolic trough is used to reflect direct solar radiation towards a pipe that contains a receiver fluid which runs through the trough. You can make a DIY solar heating parabolic trough for your home. It can be used as a solar cooker, or a way to heat your water supply.

By |2013-03-07T20:55:22-08:00August 11th, 2009|Alternative Energy|

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