Spring Cleaning: All-Natural Tips and Tricks to Make Your Home a Happy and Healthy Place

A clean home is a happy home. It's not just an old wives' tale your grandmother taught you; this is an idea proven by science! Various studies show that people who live in a clean home are more likely to be happy, productive, calm, in good shape, and well-rested. Keep in mind, however, that the indoor air contamination of chemical-based cleaners will do nothing for your health. Instead, opt for the all-natural tips and tricks shown below to make your home feel happier as spring comes into full bloom.

By |2024-02-03T07:23:36-08:00March 21st, 2018|Nontoxic, Household|

Recycled pencils: Making news out of news

Every year, parents are obligated to buy their kids (whether they like it or not) school supplies, and you can bet that pencils are on the list. Moms and dads might be surprised to find out that those little orange sticks are made out of the 4 billion trees cut down worldwide for paper industries, and assembled with toxic chemicals in factories that pollute the air (most erasers are made from latex).

By |2015-04-19T18:36:50-07:00December 21st, 2009|Green Living|

Cheap, Clean and Green!

A great new way to clean your home is through these handmade recipes, and there is no chemistry set needed! Just mix a few simple ingredients together and youve got your very own green-clean team.

By |2014-11-10T15:10:55-08:00December 16th, 2009|Green Living|

Tips: How to Go Green Video

Cleaning up one’s life and helping clean up the environment at the same time really difficult. Remembering the little things goes a long way. In fact, when millions of people remember millions of little things, it adds up to big changes - just like millions of people not remembering adds up to big landfills. Here are a few tips and reminders you can use to help protect the environment, in your everyday life.

By |2014-11-10T14:48:55-08:00November 11th, 2009|Videos, Green Living|

Natural Solutions for Beautiful Skin

Before you put on your make-up in the morning, consider this: A woman may ingest around 4 pounds of lipstick over the course of her life. Skin is one of the most absorbent surfaces on the body, and the average woman slathers on product after product to achieve younger looking, more radiant skin without thinking about the ingredients.

By |2015-07-07T19:46:39-07:00August 11th, 2009|Natural Remedies, Skin Care|

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