In an easy-to-read summary, David Gann and his research partner present their groundbreaking research into a previously-undiscovered molecular phase of water, which they have named Double Helix Water. With their Genesis Phase of water, they claim to have uncovered the underlying mechanism of how water forms a solid particle at room temperature; thereby, they explain many of the mysteries of alternative health practices. Research into the atomic structure of the water molecule is presented in a simplified and understandable manner, complete with photos. The reader is effortlessly led through miles of physical and chemical jungles. Tackling head-on the 50-year conflict between allopathic and homeopathic medicine, Gann and Lo shed light on both sides. Laboratory experiments are explained in layman''s terms, thereby allowing a person with no physics background to understand the mechanism underlying homeopathy. Their research into the water molecule is a fascinating read that explains the mysteries of homeopathy and introduces a needed paradigm shift ushering in a new age of an inexpensive, safe, and truly workable healthcare system.