Using naturally-sourced minerals, herbs, and probiotics, BioEnergyDoc remedies can be used for everything from improving the digestion to a daily energy boost. This line of high-quality products has been clinically tested by the revolutionary Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Jeffrey L. Marrongelle. His alternative approach to wellness and his unique mineral supplements have become famous for their unusual, sometimes extraordinary, healing benefits.

Aussie Dophilus Probiotic

BioEnergyDoc SupplementsWith billions of protective bacteria in each dose, Aussie Dophilus is the specially-developed probiotic to boost your immune system, support your metabolism, and improve digestive health. It also contains a proprietary blend of herbs and minerals to enhance digestive health in general. With your use of Aussie Dophilus, you may enjoy the following benefits:

  • Better mineral absorption
  • Improved protein and carbohydrate digestion
  • Optimized metabolism
  • Improved immune system function
  • Increased production of lactic acid for the support of digestive processes and colon pH balance
  • Better oral health

Terratol Trace Minerals

Terratol Trace MineralsTrace minerals are necessary components of a healthy diet, yet they are no longer readily available in our everyday foods. Due to over-farming of land, over-sanitation of vegetables, and over-processing of foods in general, these important nutrients are rarely found in foods today.

Terratol is extracted from seawater and old seabeds and provides a range of trace minerals missing from the average diet. In addition to providing important nutrients for the body in general, Terratol has strong antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunity-boosting properties.

Loosen Up Athletic Spray

Loosen Up Athletic SprayDo you find your workouts, runs, and athletic activities hindered by stiff joints and tense muscles? Loosen them up with BioEnergyDoc Athletic Spray. This exclusive blend of MSM (a form of the major mineral, sulfur), aloe, and trace minerals is designed to help relieve sore and aching muscles, joints, and tendons. It is especially effective when applied just before exercise or any strenuous activity to relieve aches, pains, sore muscles, and stiff joints.


X-Cell-R8Nature’s accelerator, X-Cell-R8, is formulated from natural minerals to increase energy, mental focus, and clarity throughout the day.

Although it contains no stimulants or artificial chemicals, X-Cell-R8 can provide long-lasting energy and vitality.

These are some of the benefits of X-Cell-R8 when taken regularly:

  • Improved focus
  • Alleviation of common symptoms of PMS like bloating and fatigue
  • Promotion of normal heart rate and blood pressure
  • Strengthening of your blood cells’ ability to navigate your system, thus supporting the effects of other supplements and medications
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