True aromatherapy case studies according to a scientific definition are not easily acquired. Many of the practitioners are not trained in scientific methods and therefore don’t know how to describe the results of treatment in such a way as would allow it to become the basis for a true scientific evaluation of some particular treatment substance or procedure.
There are, however, websites available which are serving to become the basis of such documented detail in appropriate format. From those public case studies, much information can be learned which will enable scientists to proceed further in their evaluation of aromatherapy as a valid alternative or mainstream medical treatment.
Aromatherapy case studies should contain the following information in order to be standardized.
* The name of the aromatherapist with a description of training or expertise level and the geographical area. Contact information is appreciated by the website operator
* The client’s name – A fictitious name is preferred for anonymity.
* A description of the symptoms or diagnosed condition.
* Latin name of the essential oils selected
* Application method of the essential oils blend
* Frequency of the application and treatment time elapsed.
* Details of any blend variations or changes
* Positive or negative reactions by the client
* Results of the treatment
Websites containing aromatherapy case studies fall far short of scientific analysis where pictures, before and after, measurements, medical reports and other documentation would be routine, but they make interesting reading and could be the basis for further work and study. Some of the case studies on file include respiratory failure, death, diabetes, infertility, depression, burns, eczema, frigidity, leg cramps and contact dermatitis.
Case studies are not difficult to do, many high school and college students are required to demonstrate their ability to perform and document such studies as part of science fair projects.
For example, aromatherapy case studies on the connection between aromatherapy and blood pressure are easily documented. Using a setting such as a health fair and with informed consent, a record of blood pressure readings with and without the use of essential oils such as lavender is easily obtained and could be the basis for further work in the area.
Aromatherapy case studies with memory work are another area that is easily set up and documented. Memorization of number strings with and without lemon essential oils is one example. Whether you are doing the case studies in order to be able to recommend treatment to future clients or in order to help your own concentration, aromatherapy case studies can be a helpful diagnostic and treatment tool.
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